Shandong Superherdsman Husbandry Machinery Co., Ltd.

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The importance of economical poultry equipment lighting system

In the process of raising chickens, whether it is laying hens or broilers, in addition to the daily disinfection and epidemic prevention of the chicken house and the chicken's diet and drinking water, an important part of the chicken raising process is the lighting problem.

In the process of raising chickens, whether it is laying hens or broilers, in addition to the daily disinfection and epidemic prevention of the chicken house and the chicken's diet and drinking water, an important part of the chicken raising process is the lighting problem. Lighting can not only promote the sexual maturity of chickens, but also contribute to the high yield of laying hens. Therefore, when using economical poultry equipment to raise chickens, attention should be paid to the lighting time and intensity of the lighting system. Today, let’s talk to farmers about some issues that should be paid attention to when using economical poultry equipment to raise lighting systems:

economical poultry equipment

1. First keep the bulb clean. The light bulbs in the house must be kept clean and wiped regularly to ensure light intensity and prevent the light in the house from being weakened by unclean bulbs.

2. Add light when appropriate. When using layer cage raising equipment, install a 40-60 watt incandescent light bulb every 3 meters above the aisle between the two rows of chicken cages and 2.5 meters from the ground to illuminate each chicken and eliminate the need for the chicken coop. Lighting blind spots.

3. Make a reasonable lighting time. Laying hens have different light requirements according to their age, so we must set different light times according to different chicken ages. We can first determine the lighting time as 12 hours, then increase the lighting time by 0.5 hours per week until the lighting time increases to 16 hours per day, no longer increase the lighting time, and fix the lighting time at 16 hours.

Economical poultry equipment is currently the most commonly used breeding equipment for professional chicken farmers. It can be divided into different types of chicken cages according to chicken breeds and chicken ages, and then equipped with equipment such as feeding, egg picking and manure cleaning, which greatly saves the cost of raising chickens. efficiency. Economical poultry equipment is currently the most suitable chicken raising equipment for large chicken farms on the market. It is reliable in quality, durable and has a long service life. People from all walks of life are welcome to come and buy.